2008년 6월 11일 수요일

정보기술개론 [11]

what is “resistance”?
Resistance are tactics and means to oppose the strategies of “The Prince”
Prince means Microsoft,Google,Naver etc.
While the prince tries to “divide and conquer,” the resistance tries to overcome the imposed isolation.
Examples of “electronic disturbance"

• virus
• trojan horse
• worm
• bomb
• back door
Virus is a cracker program that searches out other programs and `infects' them by embedding a copy of itself in them.
Trojan horse is a program designed to break security or damage a system that is disguised as something else benign
Worm is a program that propagates itself over a network, reproducing itself as it goes.
Bomb is a code surreptitiously inserted in an application or OS that causes it to perform some destructive or security-compromising activity whenever specified conditions are met.
back door is a hole in the security of a system deliberately left in place by designers or maintainers.
Robert Morris's story is very exciting. He has many curiosity. He tried to measure entire size of
Internet. But in the course , He used "Worm" and He was the first person prosecuted.
Now He is MIT professor.
and We saw example of open source software.
I think resistance is needed. Because , Prince will stop resistance breaking into castle. In the course, Prince can know own badside and progress.

2008년 5월 25일 일요일

정보기술개론 [10]

public & privacy

A word of surveillance is very important at this part. We live in surveillance at modern time.
For example, There is Google earth. There is Surveillance camera anywhere you go.
Although Surveillance is very effcient method to manage people. It breaks into our privacy. It is very important. SAMSUNG has dormitory. because efficiency of work.

Cookies are information that a web server stores on the machine running a web browser
If There is cookies at your computer, Other people can watch site you join. It link privacy

Data mining is the process of sorting through large amounts of data and picking out relevant information

2008년 5월 19일 월요일

정보기술개론 [9]


Media is extensions or prostheses of human faculty

We understanded meaning of extension and prostheses at Following sentence or movie.

The wheel is an extension of the foot...
the book is an extension of the eye... clothing,
an extension of the skin...”

movie : six million dollar man

New media serve as "extensions" to ourselves and, simultaneously, they "amputate" various capacities of subjectivity.

To understand meaning of amputation, Following sentence can be good example.
When we push computer keyboard, We are amputated handwriting skill

background: questions of identity

gender: who is a woman? who is a man?
race: who is black? who is white?
sexuality: who is straight? who is gay?
class: who is rich? who is poor?

are these categories “natural”? are they determined by “nature”?

No, Because people make those thing.

definition of cyborg

Cyborg is not robot. We understand meaning of cyborg easily. at "six million dollar man" , "Ghost In The Shell"

A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction

I think We are cyborg . because We wear glasses,lense,mp3 player,mobile-phone.

2008년 5월 13일 화요일

정보기술개론 [8]

Computer games
We studied Computer game. At first, We saw "pain station". Pain station is a game that give a physical pain to loser. It was very intersting.
and We studied "Mod(modification)"
When professor Yoon said Mod , also He said tum raider as example.
I was shoked, because tum raider is naked .. and I realized meaning of Mod.
We saw game "pong" and We understanded important fo AI and physics.
physics :what makes the ball bounce?
AI :can an opponent be programmed to play against a human player? (easily? hardly?)
two issues to consider from film theory

identification: People play game , and the people identify own character in game.
space: Game maker needs game space for reality
games and gender
on a my idea basis , I think There is gender in game.
Boy motly like action , Fps ,.. game but Girl like princess maker , sims .. like this.

2008년 5월 3일 토요일

정보기술개론 [7]


We studied Ethnomethodology. It was very important.

Ethnomethodology is the study of how people make sense of the social world

We studied two perspective , Ethnomethodology and AI perspective.

-the Ethnomethodological perspective
•recall Johnstone’s story generation game:
–the story does not exist before the interaction;
–if a story emerges, it emerges from the question and answer interaction.

-the AI perspective
•recall Meehan’s talespin program:
–the story is planned out from a set of predefined rules

We saw Modern times by Charlie Chaplin . I saw it at middle school. thus It is boring

CSCW( computer-supported cooperative work) is a field of research and design.

ex: (CAD/CAM, ABB Powerwall, Drug Design)

I'm interested in history of surveillance: the panopticon

Panopticon is fantastic building for human to monitor prisoner

Surveillance is important. . but excessive Surveillance deprives person of liberty

thus . It needs harmony.

2008년 4월 27일 일요일

정보기술개론 [6]

- human-computer interaction -

1.outline for this week
•key point that has implications for the aesthetic, ethics and evaluation of human-computer interaction
•history of HCI from a tools perspective
•conversational models of the interface: the intersection of AI and HCI
•question for today: what problem does Weizenbaum’s ELIZA system address or solve?
•the answer of AI
•the answer of Ethnomethodology

2.key point

People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were

First saw it , I didn't understand this sentence , but When professor explained it , I got it

This means "People's think makes technologies". thus We tell technologies were people.

We studied "history of HCI as tools: people,systems,funding

and Johnstone’s “algorithm” . Johnstone’s “algorithm” is very interesting

This is a game , people(A) give a right story that people(B) think

but B don't have sotry , When A ask about story , B just tell A yes,no,maybe

the result, A make story spontaneously . It is funny


definition :
Ethnomethodology simply means the study of the ways in which people make sense of their social world.

I Think this is very important our modern era .

2008년 4월 13일 일요일


artificial intelligence

outline for today
•gender: the role of the woman in the “imitation game”
•the aesthetics of the game: the aesthetics of the uncanny
•the prescient insights of Turing on gender and the body, that would turn out -- now -- to be most useful for trying to understanding online role-playing games and also some of the central weaknesses of decades of ai research
•a short history of artificial intelligence in software
Alan Turing
•Founder of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, and a gay man
Turing’s -imitation game-
•The new form of the problem can be described in terms of a game which we call the imitation game.It is played with three people, a man, a woman, and an interrogator who may be of either sex. The interrogator stays in a room apart from the other two. The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman.
•It is [the man's] object in the game to try and cause [the interrogator] to make the wrong identification.
•The object of the game for [the woman] is to help the interrogator.

This game replace our question, ‘Can machines think?

artificial intelligence: a definition
artificial intelligence [AI] is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence [as] if done by [humans]”

I am interested in Enigma cipher machine , and AI movie
I didn't wahtch it , but after I studied AI , I like to watch movie AI
I thought We will make Machine thinking,understanding,expressing emotion
but like Frame problem , There are limit of AI thus I think making machine like human
is impossible.