• virus
• trojan horse
• worm
• bomb
• back door
We studied Ethnomethodology. It was very important.
Ethnomethodology is the study of how people make sense of the social world
We studied two perspective , Ethnomethodology and AI perspective.
-the Ethnomethodological perspective
•recall Johnstone’s story generation game:
–the story does not exist before the interaction;
–if a story emerges, it emerges from the question and answer interaction.
-the AI perspective
•recall Meehan’s talespin program:
–the story is planned out from a set of predefined rules
We saw Modern times by Charlie Chaplin . I saw it at middle school. thus It is boring
CSCW( computer-supported cooperative work) is a field of research and design.
ex: (CAD/CAM, ABB Powerwall, Drug Design)
I'm interested in history of surveillance: the panopticon
Panopticon is fantastic building for human to monitor prisoner
Surveillance is important. . but excessive Surveillance deprives person of liberty
thus . It needs harmony.
- human-computer interaction -
1.outline for this week
•key point that has implications for the aesthetic, ethics and evaluation of human-computer interaction
•history of HCI from a tools perspective
•conversational models of the interface: the intersection of AI and HCI
•question for today: what problem does Weizenbaum’s ELIZA system address or solve?
•the answer of AI
•the answer of Ethnomethodology
2.key point
People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were
First saw it , I didn't understand this sentence , but When professor explained it , I got it
This means "People's think makes technologies". thus We tell technologies were people.
We studied "history of HCI as tools: people,systems,funding
and Johnstone’s “algorithm” . Johnstone’s “algorithm” is very interesting
This is a game , people(A) give a right story that people(B) think
but B don't have sotry , When A ask about story , B just tell A yes,no,maybe
the result, A make story spontaneously . It is funny
definition :
Ethnomethodology simply means the study of the ways in which people make sense of their social world.
I Think this is very important our modern era .
artificial intelligence